Day One
(Click on an image to bring up the full sized picture.)
Arianna's here! (In spirit, at least.)
Oh look, it's lonelyto25! [insertwittycommenthere]
Danny Rrrr and Arianna. (In background: Jerle, hiding from the camera. ;-))
It's amazing how well people bond when given a laptop and Cosmic Osmo.
From left to right: TOP: lonelyto25, Tanika, BookLover, LinguistApprentice, and TheMysterious1.
BOTTOM: IMForeman, Riven-chan, Kirsehn, and Fahrmboy.
M'lah Sihfay. Muwahahahaha.
Two-thirds of the official Mysterium committee, doing something...err...official. (Lehsa is on the left, Scraper on the right.)
The evolution of the unwrapping of Salar's gift to lonely, part one: Apparently fearful that said gift was somehow loaded, lonely throws it on the floor and quickly shies away.
Part Two: lonely shows off his amazing powers of levitation--err, he drops the gift yet again.
Part Three and Finale: lonely realizes that it's only a plushie spyder after all. ;-)
Yes Virginia, there really is a Saavedro action figure.
They're here, but then again maybe they're not. From left to right: phgreer, RIUM+, and Gandalf.
From left to right: Salar's mom, Salar's daughter, and Salar, all decked out in their best D'ni Guildsman wear.
Riven-chan, as "unnamed villager #4."
M'lah, reading DMV numero 7 for the writing contest. And me without my forum to run screaming from. Phooey.
A slightly blurry Kirsehn reading her wonderful poetry.
Sepdet holds up her prize (Myst tray) from the writing contest.
Assorted crafts for the crafts presentation. Including lonely's "gateroom pre-texturing" and Spetsnaz O's, Fahrmboy's school folder, and Teresah the Mad ScRIVENer's Channelwood masks.
M'lah and yours truly (Ti'ana Katarina), with me looking like I was just hit by a freight train. Whoopsie.
lonelyto25 and Alahmnat, presenting Spetsnaz's plan for world domination!
Sepdet giving her presentation on her Myst journal.
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